Dear Devin the dude, Here’s why I think you’re an asshole. I went to your show last night in Atlanta, Ga. I was excited. I like your music a lot; I think you make great records. I was really exited to see you perform. I work as a waitress, which means I work late nights and weekends. But luckily, Atlanta is a city that is notoriously late for everything, so I got off before you had gone on. So I was like, that’s what’s up, I’m gonna go see the Devin the Dude and smoke weed and drink gin and tonics with my friends. It should have been a really awesome night! what my night should have been like When I got there I dished out the 20 dollars at the door, which I had just earned from commodifying myself to the point of oblivion. But if I know (think) I’m gonna see a really go...
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