I think I may be the world's loneliest whale. Speaking a foreign language as I slowly navigate the globe, sending out words at a frequency no one can hear. Having just reached the tender age of 28, I've hit the first wave of friends undergoing traditional rites of passages that frequently demand isolation from their friends upon completion (generally for practical purposes but hurtful none the less): the holy adulthood trinity of getting engaged/married, starting a family, and/or moving away. And instead of saying "wave" I should probably say "tsunami." In December I had ONE pregnant friend. Fast forward three months later and I know five expectant mothers; just in the past past week three friends have announced engagements on facebook; and one of my last remaining close friends is moving away, solidifying the end of a growing rift adulthood had bestowed upon us. Not to mention brutally watching a close friend bury her 31 year-old husband. As I grow...