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Showing posts from October, 2013

A Letter to Myself

aka “The Philip Seymour Hoffman Effect” Dear Jessie, Today is October 29, 2013. Last night was fun, wasn’t it? Was it? Why did you smoke those two cigarettes? I know why you did. Psychic release. I know why you do the things you do before you do them. Nestled snuggly underneath the squiggly electronic jagged lines that send currents through that big lumpy cranium of yours lays core beliefs you have about yourself, the world, and other people. They are hidden so sometimes you don’t even know they are there, but they are. Some mutate and evolve over time and some have remained untouched for decades. There are very few unchangeable facts about people. We tightly grasp ideas like “blonde hair” “extrovert” “intelligent” “depressed” “unlovable” to form our identity. Without them we feel empty. But truthfully, these signifiers are as permanent as Miley Cyrus’ innocence. Though these ideas give us temporary existential relief, they ultimately are incredibly limiting...

This love candle isn't working....

I'm a free bitch baby  When I lit this love candle my fr iend gave me , my intentions were certainly not to bring about a blast from my romantic past. Because fuck my romantic past! I’m not tryin to hear any of that noise anymore. The truth is I have been pretty insecure in all my relationships so none of them led to me being very happy. I am attracted to narcissists. According to psychological studies, “highly sensitive people” (HSP) as we are known tend to be that way: “HSPs can feel such intense love and compassion for people that we can believe our love can heal others. And often other people are so amazed and relieved by receiving this much love and understanding, they respond with enormous amounts of gratitude and often flattery. Sensitive people respond to this praise by feeling good about ourselves and feeling needed and so we give more. But as this pattern continues, we end up giving until we’ve got nothing left and getting nothing in return, under...