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Showing posts from June, 2013

Dark Corners Volume 1: Murky Waters

Z ines are a great way to allow anyone who feels d isenfranch ised to ta k e back the ir r ightful p iece of the publ ic sphere. I  found a bunch of  d ig ital fem in ist  z ines onl ine and rel ied heav ily on those to help gu ide me through  my f irst  exper ience  i n  zine making. Because th is access was really  important for me  I  wanted to make sure to put a d ig ital copy  up. Th is vers ion  is sl ightly var ied from the phys ical copy. Y ou can e-ma il me at jlordatl@gma for one.  Thanks aga in  to everyone that helped-  it ain't easy!! ::\\:: Dark Corners Volume 1: Murky Waters ::\\::

Career going well? Great!! Your daughter is about to get cancer.

aka is young jeezy a nihilist?  "today i'm gonna get over you"  A while back a friend sent me this really moving video link. The video was a 20-minute talk a comedian was giving about his life and the beginnings of his success in the industry. At one point he was offered a reoccurring role delivering the nightly comedy spot on a late night talk show. Superficially that was everything he had wanted- he couldn’t believe his luck at truly seeing some of his boy hood dreams come to fruition- and best of all it was predicated on his own hard work and talent. During this period of budding professional success, though, his personal life started to embody the antithesis of triumph. He and his wife learned that his young daughter- I think maybe 2 or 3 years old at the time- had terminal cancer.  He detailed how his shows got darker and darker with each doctor’s visit. His daughter died when he was at ...