It’s really hard to be a girl in this world. You are held to standards that are impossible to reach. You are judged on your physical appearance so much that your personality becomes secondary. You are relegated to having specific feelings and behaviors and if you step outside of that box, you will have stigmas attached to you. People will judge your body. If you are loud or have opinions you will be seen as bossy and controlling. If you get angry or upset you will be seen as sensitive or touchy. If you are dominant in any way you will be seen as a bitch. If you want for any type of attention you will be seen as needy. You are expected to nurture the world and receive no nurturing in return. You are expected to be selfless. Your sexuality will be scrutinized. You can’t be weak or strong. People will take advantage of you, because you are just a girl. You will be pitted against other women and will learn to pit yourself against them in return. And you will buy into all o...